Standing for Purity

In today’s culture where people are bombarded with messages that encourage promiscuity, Liberty Counsel is encouraging Christians to take a public stand for purity. The 22nd annual Day of Purity is a campaign that encourages followers of Jesus Christ to wear white on February 14 to publicly promote abstinence and inspire others to save sexual intimacy for marriage.

The Day of Purity is based on God’s Word that encourages holiness and sexual purity. For example, First Corinthians 6:18-20 says, “Flee sexual immorality. Every other sin that a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought for a price: therefore glorify God in your body.”

I choose to stay pure so I can save myself for my future husband.

Read Cheyanne's Purity Story
(Photo Credit: Melissa McCornick)

I choose purity because I desire to honor God and His best for my future marriage.  – Natalie

In light of stunning examples of students who walked with the upmost integrity and reverence to God's Word, especially related to purity I was ruined to pursue anything less than God's best for me in the areas of singleness, relationships, dating, and marriage. Obeying His commandments always leads to the fullness of life. It's incomparably rewarding to TRUST HIM, so I wouldn't want anything less! – Jarryn

Bringing God honor and praise is probably one of the most important aspirations for me to attain even in my youth. I see marriages blessed that remained pure during their dating, and I want what is best for me and my future wife. God blesses us when we live with the wisdom he shares in scripture. God created marriage to be a blessing, and a place of stability for a family to grow. A commitment to remain pure until marriage is one big way I can do that. – Eddie

I believe that the union of marriage is sacred and special to the Lord, and intimacy between a man and a woman is a gift he intended for marriage. I am choosing to remain pure until marriage because I believe sex is an emotional, physical, and spiritual union that is only to be shared with my future husband. - Jessica

“My faith requires me to be resistant to temptation, strong in will, and reverent to God’s Word. In doing so, I honor the Lord by respecting His will for my life in purity and in choice.” - Kaleb


Take a Public Stand for Purity